- Sufficient fluids will be given to me by mouth, by tube to the stomach or by drip into a vein or under the skin, to relieve thirst and keep me hydrated, unless I decide against this.
- My bodily nutrition will be maintained by any reasonable means unless I decide against this.
- Unless I decline it, I will be given pain control to keep me as pain-free as possible, without the use of sedation.
- I will not be sedated unless indicated by a specific diagnosis. If this need arises either I or my relatives will be informed and given this specific reason.
- If I am thought to be dying, I will have the right to ask for a second opinion on my diagnosis and the likely outcome.
- I have the right to ask to see the pastor of my choice.
- I will be involved in all medical and nursing decisions that are potentially life-altering and no medication will be given to me by syringe driver without my agreement or that of a spouse or close relative.
- Do not resuscitate orders will not be written up without my consent or that of my relatives.
- Any decision to reduce the level of active care, such as stopping antibiotics, or reducing the oxygen supply or withdrawing medication will not be made without my consent or that of my relatives.
- Should I lose the mental capacity to participate in my care, for example in situations such as those considered above, my spouse or the relative who is acting for me should be consulted, or if I have no living relatives, an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate should be appointed to take these decisions.